Your baby: Your baby’s organs have now all formed. Her heart is pumping blood (beating) and his or her genitals are differentiating in to male or female. Your baby is very active although you won’t be feeling movements yet because she is only about 9cm long and can float around in the amniotic sac without touching the sides. She now has eyelids and her fingernails and toenails and thirty-two teeth buds are forming.
Your body: If you have been pregnant before, your pregnancy will probably start to ‘show’ around this time because your pelvic and abdominal muscles etc are softer and more responsive to the softening hormones of pregnancy and your abdomen will probably be noticeably rounder. For first time mothers, the baby’s growth is often still contained within the pelvic cavity and held by the tone in your abdominal muscles. You may know that your abdomen is a little fuller than usual but most other people will not notice for several weeks yet.
Sexual relationship: During the first trimester of pregnancy many women/couples are afraid of making love because they think that it may cause a miscarriage. Some women find that the fatigue and nausea that often accompanies this part of pregnancy causes a noticeable loss of libido, while other couples find that the feelings associated with creating new life together and becoming a family increase their desire for closeness and sexual intimacy. Unless you’ve been specifically advised to avoid sexual intercourse by your LMC midwife or doctor it is fine to make love during pregnancy whenever you feel like it and as long as it is comfortable for you. The hormonal changes of pregnancy can affect the sensitivity your breasts and genital area so sexual arousal and comfort will be different at different stages of the pregnancy. Talk with your husband/partner, share your sexual needs and desires, enjoy how responding to these changes together can enrich your relationship. Your body is growing extra blood vessels and increasing its volume of blood. The friction of sexual intercourse can sometimes cause some of the tiny blood vessels around your cervix to break resulting in a bit of spotty bleeding. This is not dangerous for you or your unborn baby but if you are worried you can discuss it with your LMC midwife or doctor. Any bleeding or spotting not associated with recent sexual intercourse or internal examinations should be reported to your LMC.
Nuchal Translucency Scan: If you have chosen to have the combined genetic screening, the best time to have your nuchal translucency scan is generally around after 11 weeks but before 14 weeks. It is unlikely that you will be able to see what sex your baby is with any accuracy when you have this scan.
Pelvic pressure: Around this time you may notice some pressure, pain or stretching sensations related to the stretching of the ligaments and muscles around your growing uterus. These changes and sensations are quite normal and are not a threat to your pregnancy but if you’re worried about these sensations, talk to your LMC midwife or doctor at your next pregnancy check-up.